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* The information provided is in accordance with the data of the respective Managing Entities of the PO's.

What's this?

It is the program whose main objective is to significantly increase Portugal's economic competitiveness, mobilizing and leveraging its resources and skills, with a view to creating jobs and resuming the dynamics of convergence with the most developed economies in the European Union.

How it works?

It is divided into different notices of competition, distributed by different types of intervention within the program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • SI2E - Entrepreneurship and employment;
  • SME Qualification;
  • SME Internationalization;
  • Productive innovation;
  • Skilled and creative entrepreneurship;
  • Capacity building of public administration;
  • Vale Industry 4.0;
  • Innovation is worth;
  • Internationalization is worth;
  • Entrepreneurship Valley;
  • Valley R&D;
  • Hiring highly qualified resources;
  • Joint training-action projects.

What's this?

It is the program that seeks the sustainable growth of the agri-forestry sector throughout the national territory and has the following strategic objectives:

  • Growth of added value in the agroforestry sector and economic profitability of agriculture;
  • Promotion of efficient management and protection of resources;
  • Creation of conditions for the economic and social dynamization of the rural space.

How it works?

It is divided into different notices of competition, distributed by different types of intervention within the same program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • Young farmers;
  • Investment in agricultural exploration;
  • Investment in the processing and marketing of agricultural products;
  • Operational groups;
  • Training actions;
  • Supporting the provision of counseling services;
  • Restoration of productive potential;
  • Management of hunting resources.

What's this?

It is the program that aims at intelligent, sustainable and inclusive development, based on a more competitive economy, based on knowledge and innovation, on greater efficiency in the use of resources, including energy, and on job creation, particularly in the areas more dependent on fisheries in order to promote greater socio-economic balance in these areas.

How it works?

It is divided into different notices of competition, distributed by different types of intervention within the program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • Data collection in the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP);
  • Support for investments on board in the field of energy efficiency, safety and selectivity;
  • Support to start up activities for young fishermen;
  • Support the development of new markets, promotional campaigns and other marketing measures;
  • Support for production and marketing plans.

What's this?

It is the program that promotes the increase in the qualification of the population, adjusted to the needs of the labor market and in line with European standards. Its objectives are to improve the level of quality in the qualifications acquired, improve school success by reducing school dropouts, promote equality, social cohesion, personal and citizenship development, and strengthen the country's economic competitiveness.

How it works?

It is divided into different notices of competition, distributed by different types of intervention within the program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • Training of teachers and trainers in pre-school and primary and secondary education;
  • Professional Higher Technical Courses (TeSP);
  • Technological Specialization Courses (CET);
  • Professional courses;
  • Centers for Qualification and Vocational Education (CQEP);
  • Development of skills of directors and holders of school management positions;
  • Qualification program for trainers and other training agents;
  • Requalification and modernization of professional training infrastructure.

What's this?

It is the program that aims to contribute to the affirmation of the Europe 2020 Strategy, especially in the priority of sustainable growth, responding to the challenges of transition to a low carbon economy, based on a more efficient use of resources and on promoting greater resilience in the face of climate risks and to catastrophes.

How it works?

It is divided into different tender notices, distributed by different types of intervention within the program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • Natural and cultural heritage;
  • Coastal erosion;
  • Risk prevention and management;
  • Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems;
  • Sustainable multimodal urban mobility operations;
  • Adaptation to climate change;
  • Waste recovery;
  • Promotion of the production and distribution of energy from renewable sources;
  • Energy efficiency in companies;
  • Energy efficiency in homes.

What's this?

It is the program that aims to promote the sustainability and quality of employment, support the mobility of workers and social inclusion, fight poverty and discrimination.

How it works?

It is divided into different tender notices, distributed by different types of intervention within the program and with their own application dates.

We highlight the following:

  • Social impact bonds;
  • Innovative projects for social inclusion of territorial scope;
  • Local social development contracts;
  • Training program for social investment;
  • Modular training for employees and unemployed;
  • Empowerment for inclusion;
  • Development and modernization of institutions.